We are delighted to be a pick-up location for The Jersey Barnyard! They offer Grade A Raw Jersey milk and cream from 100% grass-fed Jersey cows. We have pick-up dates every other Friday. Please check the schedule here for ordering window and pick-up dates. Our Friday pick-up time is 1:00-4:00 pm. Please check your email for notifications of (rare) delays before coming to pick up your milk.
To order your raw milk, click here and create or login to your account. Please make sure you select Coyote Creek Milk Group from the drop-down menu and your milk will come to our farm for you to pick up. You need to pay your delivery fee(s) separately, they are as follows:
Send delivery fees by Venmo or Paypal to @WendyBritt (brittfam@gmail.com) each order. The $30 only needs to be sent once a year. Please remember that we sell eggs, beef, and whole or half chickens here and we would be happy to help you purchase those items when you pick up your milk order!
We are located at 13817 Klaus Ln Elgin, TX 78621 Please visit texasjersey.com for more information about The Jersey Barnyard. If you have any questions, please email info@coyotecreekfarm.com or give us a call at 512-285-2556. We look forward to seeing you at the farm!